Source code for optalg.opt_solver.clp_cmd

# This file is part of OPTALG.                       #
#                                                    #
# Copyright (c) 2019, Tomas Tinoco De Rubira.        #
#                                                    #
# OPTALG is released under the BSD 2-clause license. #

from __future__ import print_function
import os
import numpy as np
import tempfile
import subprocess
from . import utils
from .opt_solver_error import *
from .opt_solver import OptSolver
from .problem import OptProblem

[docs]class OptSolverClpCMD(OptSolver): parameters = {'quiet' : False, 'debug': False} def __init__(self): """ Linear programming solver from COIN-OR (via command-line interface, version 1.15.3). """ # Check if not utils.cmd_exists('clp'): raise ImportError('clp cmd not available') OptSolver.__init__(self) self.parameters = OptSolverClpCMD.parameters.copy() def supports_properties(self, properties): for p in properties: if p not in [OptProblem.PROP_CURV_LINEAR, OptProblem.PROP_VAR_CONTINUOUS, OptProblem.PROP_TYPE_FEASIBILITY, OptProblem.PROP_TYPE_OPTIMIZATION]: return False return True def read_solution(self, filename, problem): f = open(filename, 'r') l = f.readline().split() status = l[0] f.readline() x = np.zeros(problem.c.size) lam = np.zeros(problem.A.shape[0]) nu = np.zeros(0) mu = np.zeros(x.size) pi = np.zeros(x.size) for l in f: l = l.split() name = l[1] if name[0] == 'x': i = int(name.split('_')[1]) x[i] = float(l[2]) if float(l[3]) > 0.: pi[i] = float(l[3]) else: mu[i] = -float(l[3]) elif name[0] == 'c': i = int(name.split('_')[1]) lam[i] = float(l[3]) f.close() return status, x, lam, nu, mu, pi def solve(self, problem): # Local vars params = self.parameters # Parameters quiet = params['quiet'] debug = params['debug'] # Problem try: self.problem = problem.to_lin() except: raise OptSolverError_BadProblemType(self) # Solve status = '' try: base_name = next(tempfile._get_candidate_names()) input_filename = base_name+'.lp' output_filename = base_name+'.sol' self.problem.write_to_lp_file(input_filename) cmd = ['clp', input_filename, 'solve', 'printingOptions', 'all', 'solution', output_filename] if not quiet: code = else: code =, stdout=open(os.devnull, 'w'), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) assert(code == 0) status, self.x, self.lam,,, self.pi = self.read_solution(output_filename, self.problem) except Exception as e: raise OptSolverError_ClpCMDCall(self) finally: if os.path.isfile(input_filename) and not debug: os.remove(input_filename) if os.path.isfile(output_filename) and not debug: os.remove(output_filename) if status == 'optimal': self.set_status(self.STATUS_SOLVED) self.set_error_msg('') else: raise OptSolverError_ClpCMD(self)