Source code for optalg.opt_solver.augl

# This file is part of OPTALG.                       #
#                                                    #
# Copyright (c) 2015, Tomas Tinoco De Rubira.        #
#                                                    #
# OPTALG is released under the BSD 2-clause license. #

from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
from functools import reduce
from .opt_solver_error import *
from .problem import cast_problem
from .opt_solver import OptSolver
from optalg.lin_solver import new_linsolver
from scipy.sparse import bmat,eye,coo_matrix,tril

[docs]class OptSolverAugL(OptSolver): parameters = {'beta_large' : 0.9, # for decreasing sigma when progress 'beta_med' : 0.5, # for decreasing sigma when forcing 'beta_small' : 0.1, # for decreasing sigma 'feastol' : 1e-4, # feasibility tolerance 'optol' : 1e-4, # optimality tolerance 'gamma' : 0.1, # for determining required decrease in ||f|| 'tau' : 0.1, # for reductions in ||GradF|| 'kappa' : 1e-2, # for initializing sigma 'maxiter' : 1000, # maximum iterations 'sigma_min' : 1e-12, # minimum sigma 'sigma_init_min' : 1e-3, # minimum initial sigma 'sigma_init_max' : 1e6, # maximum initial sigma 'theta_min' : 1e-6, # minimum barrier parameter 'theta_init_min' : 1e-6, # minimum initial barrier parameter 'theta_init_max' : 1e0 , # maximum initial barrier parameter 'lam_reg' : 1e-4, # regularization of first order dual update 'subprob_force' : 10, # for periodic sigma decrease 'subprob_maxiter' : 150, # maximum subproblem iterations 'linsolver' : 'default', # linear solver 'quiet' : False} # flag for omitting output def __init__(self): """ Augmented Lagrangian algorithm. """ OptSolver.__init__(self) self.parameters = OptSolverAugL.parameters.copy() self.linsolver1 = None self.linsolver2 = None self.barrier = None def solve(self,problem): # Local vars norm2 = self.norm2 norminf = self.norminf params = self.parameters # Parameters tau = params['tau'] gamma = params['gamma'] kappa = params['kappa'] optol = params['optol'] feastol = params['feastol'] beta_small = params['beta_small'] beta_large = params['beta_large'] sigma_init_min = params['sigma_init_min'] sigma_init_max = params['sigma_init_max'] theta_init_min = params['theta_init_min'] theta_init_max = params['theta_init_max'] theta_min = params['theta_min'] # Problem problem = cast_problem(problem) self.problem = problem # Linear solver self.linsolver1 = new_linsolver(params['linsolver'],'symmetric') self.linsolver2 = new_linsolver(params['linsolver'],'symmetric') # Reset self.reset() # Barrier self.barrier = AugLBarrier(problem.get_num_primal_variables(), problem.l, problem.u, eps=feastol/10.) # Init primal if problem.x is not None: self.x = self.barrier.to_interior(problem.x.copy(), eps=feastol/10.) else: self.x = (self.barrier.umax+self.barrier.umin)/2. assert(np.all(self.x > self.barrier.umin)) assert(np.all(self.x < self.barrier.umax)) # Init dual if problem.lam is not None: self.lam = problem.lam.copy() else: self.lam = np.zeros(problem.b.size) if is not None: = else: = np.zeros(problem.f.size) try: if problem.pi is not None: self.pi = problem.pi.copy() else: self.pi = np.zeros(self.x.size) except AttributeError: self.pi = np.zeros(self.x.size) try: if is not None: = else: = np.zeros(self.x.size) except AttributeError: = np.zeros(self.x.size) # Constants self.sigma = 0. self.theta = 0. self.code = '' self.nx = self.x.size = problem.b.size = problem.f.size self.ox = np.zeros(self.nx) self.oa = np.zeros( self.of = np.zeros( self.Ixx = eye(self.nx,format='coo') self.Iff = eye(,format='coo') self.Iaa = eye(,format='coo') # Objective scaling fdata = self.func(self.x) self.obj_sca = np.maximum(np.abs(fdata.phi)/100.,1.) fdata = self.func(self.x) # Init penalty and barrier parameters self.sigma = kappa*norm2(fdata.GradF)/np.maximum(norm2(fdata.gphi),1.) self.sigma = np.minimum(np.maximum(self.sigma,sigma_init_min),sigma_init_max) self.theta = kappa*norm2(fdata.GradF)/(self.sigma*np.maximum(norm2(fdata.gphiB),1.)) self.theta = np.minimum(np.maximum(self.theta,theta_init_min),theta_init_max) fdata = self.func(self.x) # Init residuals pres_prev = norminf(fdata.pres) gLmax_prev = norminf(fdata.GradF) # Init dual update if pres_prev <= feastol: self.update_multiplier_estimates() fdata = self.func(self.x) # Outer iterations self.k = 0 self.useH = False self.code = list('----') while True: # Solve subproblem self.solve_subproblem(tau*gLmax_prev) # Check done if self.is_status_solved(): return # Measure progress pres = norminf(fdata.pres) dres = norminf(fdata.dres) gLmax = norminf(fdata.GradF) # Penaly update if pres <= np.maximum(gamma*pres_prev,feastol): self.sigma *= beta_large self.code[1] = 'p' else: self.sigma *= beta_small self.code[1] = 'n' # Dual update self.update_multiplier_estimates() # Barrier update self.theta = np.maximum(self.theta*beta_small,theta_min) # Update refs pres_prev = pres gLmax_prev = gLmax # Update iters self.k += 1 def solve_subproblem(self,delta): # Local vars norm2 = self.norm2 norminf = self.norminf params = self.parameters problem = self.problem barrier = self.barrier # Params quiet = params['quiet'] maxiter = params['maxiter'] feastol = params['feastol'] optol = params['optol'] maxiter = params['maxiter'] theta_min = params['theta_min'] sigma_min = params['sigma_min'] beta_large = params['beta_large'] beta_med = params['beta_med'] beta_small = params['beta_small'] subprob_force = params['subprob_force'] subprob_maxiter = params['subprob_maxiter'] # Print header self.print_header() # Init eval fdata = self.func(self.x) # Inner iterations i = 0 j = 0 alpha = 0. while True: # Compute info pres = norminf(fdata.pres) dres = norminf(fdata.dres) dmax = max(map(norminf,[self.lam,,,self.pi])) gLmax = norminf(fdata.GradF) # Show info if not quiet: print('{0:^4d}'.format(self.k),end=' ') print('{0:^9.2e}'.format(problem.phi),end=' ') print('{0:^9.2e}'.format(pres),end=' ') print('{0:^9.2e}'.format(dres),end=' ') print('{0:^9.2e}'.format(gLmax),end=' ') print('{0:^8.1e}'.format(dmax),end=' ') print('{0:^8.1e}'.format(alpha),end=' ') print('{0:^7.1e}'.format(self.sigma),end=' ') print('{0:^7.1e}'.format(self.theta),end=' ') print('{0:^7s}'.format(reduce(lambda x,y: x+y,self.code)),end=' ') if self.info_printer: self.info_printer(self,False) else: print('') # Clear code self.code = list('----') # Check solved if pres <= feastol and dres <= optol and self.theta <= theta_min: self.set_status(self.STATUS_SOLVED) self.set_error_msg('') return # Check only theta missing if pres <= feastol and dres <= optol: return # Check subproblem solved if gLmax <= delta: return # Check total maxiters if self.k >= maxiter: raise OptSolverError_MaxIters(self) # Check penalty if self.sigma < sigma_min: raise OptSolverError_SmallPenalty(self) # Check custom terminations for t in self.terminations: t(self) # Search direction p = self.compute_search_direction(self.useH) # Max steplength ppos = p > 1e-15 pneg = p < -1e-15 a1 = np.min(((barrier.umax-self.x)[ppos])/(p[ppos])) if ppos.sum() else np.inf a2 = np.min(((barrier.umin-self.x)[pneg])/(p[pneg])) if pneg.sum() else np.inf alpha_max = 0.98*min([a1,a2]) if not alpha_max: raise OptSolverError_NumProblems(self) try: # Line search alpha,fdata = self.line_search(self.x,p,fdata.F,fdata.GradF,self.func,alpha_max) # Update x self.x += alpha*p except OptSolverError_LineSearch: # Update self.sigma *= beta_large fdata = self.func(self.x) self.code[3] = 'b' if self.useH: self.useH = False i = 0 alpha = 0. # Update iter count self.k += 1 i += 1 j += 1 # Periodic force if i >= subprob_force: self.sigma *= beta_large fdata = self.func(self.x) self.code[2] = 'f' self.useH = True i = 0 # Periodic maxiter if j >= subprob_maxiter: self.sigma *= beta_med self.update_multiplier_estimates() fdata = self.func(self.x) self.code[2] = 'm' j = 0 def compute_search_direction(self,useH): fdata = self.fdata problem = self.problem barrier = self.barrier sigma = self.sigma theta = self.theta problem.combine_H(-sigma*,not useH) self.code[0] = 'h' if useH else 'g' Hfsigma = problem.H_combined/sigma Hphi = fdata.Hphi HphiB = fdata.HphiB G = coo_matrix((np.concatenate((,theta*,, (np.concatenate((Hphi.row,HphiB.row,Hfsigma.row)), np.concatenate((Hphi.col,HphiB.col,Hfsigma.col))))) if problem.A.size: W = bmat([[G,None,None], [problem.J,-sigma*self.Iff,None], [problem.A,None,-sigma*self.Iaa]]) else: W = bmat([[G,None], [problem.J,-sigma*self.Iff]]) b = np.hstack((-fdata.GradF/sigma, self.of, self.oa)) if not self.linsolver1.is_analyzed(): self.linsolver1.analyze(W) try: return self.linsolver1.factorize_and_solve(W,b)[:self.x.size] except Exception: raise OptSolverError_BadSearchDir(self) def func(self,x): # Norm norm = self.norminf # Multipliers lam = self.lam nu = # Penalty sigma = self.sigma theta = self.theta # Objects p = self.problem fdata = self.fdata barrier = self.barrier # Eval p.eval(x) barrier.eval(x) # Problem data phi = p.phi/self.obj_sca gphi = p.gphi/self.obj_sca Hphi = p.Hphi/self.obj_sca f = p.f J = p.J A = p.A r = A*x-p.b # Barrier data phiB = barrier.phi gphiB = barrier.gphi HphiB = barrier.Hphi # Intermediate nuTf =,f) y = (sigma*nu-f) JT = J.T JTnu = JT*nu JTy = JT*y # Intermediate lamTr =,r) z = (sigma*lam-r) AT = A.T ATlam = AT*lam ATz = AT*z pres = np.hstack((r,f)) dres = gphi+theta*gphiB-ATlam-JTnu dres_den = 1.+norm(gphi)+theta*norm(gphiB)+norm(*norm(lam)+norm(*norm(nu) fdata.ATlam = ATlam fdata.JTnu = JTnu fdata.r = r fdata.f = f fdata.F = sigma*phi + sigma*theta*phiB - sigma*(nuTf+lamTr) + 0.5*,pres) fdata.GradF = sigma*gphi + sigma*theta*gphiB - JTy - ATz fdata.pres = pres fdata.dres = dres/dres_den fdata.phi = phi fdata.gphi = gphi fdata.Hphi = Hphi fdata.phiB = phiB fdata.gphiB = gphiB fdata.HphiB = HphiB return fdata def print_header(self): # Local vars params = self.parameters quiet = params['quiet'] if not quiet: if self.k == 0: print('\nSolver: augL') print('------------') print('{0:^4}'.format('k'), end=' ') print('{0:^9}'.format('phi'), end=' ') print('{0:^9}'.format('pres'), end=' ') print('{0:^9}'.format('dres'), end=' ') print('{0:^9}'.format('gLmax'), end=' ') print('{0:^8}'.format('dmax'), end=' ') print('{0:^8}'.format('alpha'), end=' ') print('{0:^7}'.format('sigma'), end=' ') print('{0:^7}'.format('theta'), end=' ') print('{0:^7}'.format('code'), end=' ') if self.info_printer: self.info_printer(self,True) else: print('') else: print('') def update_multiplier_estimates(self): # Local variables params = self.parameters problem = self.problem barrier = self.barrier fdata = self.fdata # Parameters lam_reg = params['lam_reg'] sigma = self.sigma theta = self.theta eta = lam_reg # Eval fdata = self.func(self.x) A = problem.A J = problem.J AT = A.T JT = J.T t = fdata.gphi+theta*fdata.gphiB-fdata.ATlam-fdata.JTnu if problem.A.size: W = bmat([[eta*self.Iaa,None,None], [None,eta*self.Iff,None], [AT,JT,-self.Ixx]],format='coo') else: W = bmat([[eta*self.Iff,None], [JT,-self.Ixx]],format='coo') b = np.hstack((A*t, J*t, self.ox)) if W.size: if not self.linsolver2.is_analyzed(): self.linsolver2.analyze(W) sol = self.linsolver2.factorize_and_solve(W,b) self.lam += sol[] += sol[] = theta/(barrier.umax-self.x) self.pi = theta/(self.x-barrier.umin)
class AugLBarrier: """ Class for handling bounds using barrier. """ def __init__(self, n, umin=None, umax=None, eps=1e-5, inf=1e8): assert(n >= 0) assert(inf > 0) if umin is None or not umin.size: umin = -inf*np.ones(n) if umax is None or not umax.size: umax = inf*np.ones(n) assert(np.all(umin <= umax)) if n > 0: umax = umax+eps umin = umin-eps assert(umin.size == n) assert(umin.size == umax.size) assert(np.all(umin < umax)) self.n = n self.inf = inf self.umin = umin self.umax = umax self.phi = 0 self.gphi = np.zeros(n) self.Hphi_row = np.array(range(n)) self.Hphi_col = np.array(range(n)) self.Hphi_data = np.zeros(n) self.Hphi = coo_matrix((self.Hphi_data,(self.Hphi_row,self.Hphi_col)),shape=(n,n)) def eval(self,u): assert(u.size == self.n) dumax = np.maximum(self.umax-u,1e-12) dumin = np.maximum(u-self.umin,1e-12) self.phi = -np.sum(np.log(dumax)+np.log(dumin)) self.gphi[:] = -1./dumin+1./dumax self.Hphi_data[:] = 1./np.square(dumin)+1./np.square(dumax) def to_interior(self,x, eps=1e-5): return np.maximum(np.minimum(x, self.umax-eps), self.umin+eps)