Source code for optalg.opt_solver.problem_mixintlin

# This file is part of OPTALG.                       #
#                                                    #
# Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Tomas Tinoco De Rubira.   #
#                                                    #
# OPTALG is released under the BSD 2-clause license. #

import numpy as np
from .problem import OptProblem
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix

[docs]class MixIntLinProblem(OptProblem): """ Mixed integer linear problem class. It represents problem of the form minimize c^Tx subject to Ax = b l <= x <= u Px integer """ def __init__(self,c,A,b,l,u,P,x=None): """ Mixed integer linear program class. Parameters ---------- c : vector A : matrix l : vector u : vector P : boolean array """ OptProblem.__init__(self) self.c = c self.A = coo_matrix(A) self.b = b self.u = u self.l = l self.P = P self.n = self.get_num_primal_variables() self.f = np.zeros(0) self.J = coo_matrix((0,self.n)) self.H_combined = coo_matrix((self.n,self.n)) self.Hphi = coo_matrix((self.n,self.n)) self.gphi = self.c self.x = x # Check data assert(c.size == self.n) assert(c.size == A.shape[1]) assert(b.size == A.shape[0]) assert(u.size == l.size) assert(u.size == c.size) assert(P.size == c.size) assert(P.dtype == 'bool') if x is not None: assert(x.size == A.shape[1]) def eval(self,x): self.phi =,x) def show(self): print('\nMILP Problem') print('------------') print('A shape : (%d,%d)' %(self.A.shape[0],self.A.shape[1])) print('A nnz : %.2f %%' %(100.*self.A.nnz/(self.A.shape[0]*self.A.shape[1]))) print('integer : %d' %(np.sum(self.P)))